Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Memories of mayonnaise bread

Before my wife passed away two years ago, she and our daughter would make mayonnaise bread at least a few times each year. I had never heard about this type of bread before but after I had tried it I fell in love with it. I do not the process of making this bread. This was something that my daughter and her mother did together. I felt that this was something that was a bonding moment between them and did not want to jump in and somehow take that special time they shared together away from them. Me and my daughter share the same birthday. Greatest gift I'd ever received. So my daughter and I have always had this special bond that unfortunately her mother at times probably felt a little left out. By them making this bread together, I felt it was her mothers way of them having this special bonding time. Like I said before she passed away two years ago and I can remember my daughter telling me she was going to make this mayonnaise bread for dinner. It was one of the saddest emotional days  in my life. As I sat in the living room I could hear my daughter going through the process of making this bread and her talking out loud like her mother was standing right next to her. The sound of her crying as she she talked to her mother made my heart break in pieces. I finally couldn't take it anymore so I entered the kitchen only to find her curled up in the fetal position sobbing  and crying holding on to the stainless steel mixing bowl on the floor of our kitchen. I joined her on the floor throwing my arms around her trying desperately to somehow take the pain away. I failed at that attempt. Her attempt at making this bread was unsuccessfull and she felt terrible. I tried to tell her it was alright and she was successfull and how brave I thought she was at trying to make this bread

1 comment:

  1. What a sad yet powerful story! I am so happy she (and you) have this recipe to cherish. It is more than bread; it is a memory. Someday she will make this with her children and kept the memory of her mother alive. Be Blessed.
