What if ...
There was peace on earth
There was no hunger in the world
There was no poverty
I won the lottery
We didn't live in the USA
I didn't get my college degree
I was born at a different time and place
There was another civilization from another planet
We didn't have all the modern technology
We had the cure for cancer
I didn't believe in God
There was no war
There was no crime
What if I was born at a different time or place. If I was born back in the 1800's, I believe I would be a different person altogether. Back then people had alot less to rely on. There was no grocery stores for example. Whatever you wanted to eat you had to either grow or kill. People were a lot more self reliant than in today's society. I'm not saying it was better or worse but just a product of our times. You had to first build yourself shelter from the elements, and to do that you first had to either cut down your own wood or some other product to make yourself shelter. It would of been difficult to attempt this on your own, so I believe we relied on the other people in our immediate surroundings for help. It would have to be a two way street. In order for you to get help you in turn would have to help someone else out. I believe we have lost alot of that attitude in today's society. It seems to be more about what can I do to help myself than what can I do to help out my neighbor. I feel that if we had more of that attitude of neighbor helping neighbor, friend helping friend, our world as we know it would be alot better place to live in. There was a different set of law's back in those day's as compared to today. You could actually been hung for stealing a horse. You could of had to defend yourself from death from someone who felt slighted and challenged you to a gunfight.
What if I didn't live in the United States. If I lived let's say in Russia. Would I still of had all the advantages that I do today. I don't think so. It was under a different political regime. Communism was suppose to make every one equal and I think that greed got in the way. So many times greed seems to be an overpowering influence in every one's culture. Some people are not satisfied with being equal or having the same as everyone else. Some people want to wield all the power or to have more money , in order to have the nicer things in life. Of course even in Russia where it was suppose to be equal for everyone, greed reared it's nasty head and showed the true nature of someone. Every time I see pictures of Russia it seems so bleak and without hope. I consider myself very fortunate to have been born in the United States and am still able to enjoy some of the basic freedoms that democracy brought about. If not for our fore fathers that put pen to paper and wrote the declaration of independence and the bill of rights's I feel we would of been no better off than those poor unfortunate people that live in some of the foreign countries around the world.
What if we all believed in the same god. How this world would be such a different place. How many wars are currently going on through out the world just because of some people's view on their interpretation of their "GOD". Take for example the U.S. involvement in IRAQ. Some say it's because we don't like seeing people from wherever in the world to be oppressed in our views, so we try and help but what about the flip side of that coin. The attacks on the U.S. from AL QUIEDA for example our in retaliation and in the "KORAN" They preach death to the infidels. Who says who is right or wrong.
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